Are Your Passwords in the Green?
It's the 2024 update to our Hive Systems Password Table - including using a new “most-hacked” password hash. See why our Password Table has been shown and written about on the news, published by universities, and shared by companies across the globe. Learn more and download your copy!
The Cyber Attack Perception Problem in 2023
The 2023 update to our research that compares how cybersecurity incidents and data breaches occurred, what academia published, what the news covered, and what people Googled. So what’s new this year, what was our methodology, and what was surprising? Read on!
Examining the LastPass Breach Through our Password Table
The recent LastPass breach has been rattling around in the news and some researchers believe hackers may have begun to crack some of the stolen passwords. We generated another version of our famous password table for this scenario - read on!
Are Your Passwords in the Green in 2023?
We’ve updated our viral Hive Systems Password Table for 2023 and the industry-standard requirements are no longer secure! See why our Password Table has been shared by the news, universities, and companies across the globe - download your copy now!