Think You Can Spot a Phishing Scam? Think Again.
Phishing emails are getting harder to detect. Even the savviest professionals can fall victim. Learn how to test your team’s awareness and keep your organization secure.
September Snafus: Hackers Take Advantage of Unwitting Employees
Several large companies were hacked in the first half of September. The common theme? All of the attacks were carried out with relatively simple phishing and social engineering techniques.
Avoiding Tax Scams in 2022
Last week, millions of Americans finalized their tax returns. Tax Day, however, isn’t the final day for scammers who are interested in harvesting your personal financial information. Here are some of the scams we see most frequently, and some tips for avoiding them.
Hive Systems on InvestigateTV About Social Media Hacking
In this interconnected world, social media has become the new town square, the new archive, the new marketplace.
Our CEO, Alex, was featured in this piece that aired nationwide about hackers taking advantage of this growth.
A New Career Could Mean a Stolen Identity
Job scams are all too real, and somebody could use all your personal information you put on the application to steal your identity. Check out our list of ways to avoid having your job hunt turn into a job nightmare!
The Latest Email Scam Almost Tricked My Family
Served fresh from hackers to your family’s table, it’s the latest email scam that almost tricked two members of my family.
Don't Fall for These Three COVID-19 Scams
As the world continues to manage its response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), hackers have also continued to exploit the global pandemic. And while their work had previously focused on only the pandemic itself, they have moved on to new subjects that have come from our new normal. Here are three things you need to watch out for this week.
Business Email Compromise is Eroding Trust and Costing Millions
Your boss replies to your email at 4:55 on a Friday asking you to update the wire transfer number to another company before you leave. You quickly take care of it, but now your organization is out millions of dollars.
Hacking Your Brain with Coronavirus
Hackers are using the coronavirus against you and you may not realize it until it’s too late.