Think You Can Spot a Phishing Scam? Think Again.
Phishing emails are getting harder to detect. Even the savviest professionals can fall victim. Learn how to test your team’s awareness and keep your organization secure.
Ready, Set, Respond! Planning an Effective Incident Response Strategy.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th U.S. president, once said, 'Plans are nothing; planning is everything.' In this post we’ll dive into the fundamentals of incident response planning, and take it a step further to show how planning for an incident goes beyond just documentation.
Better Late Than Never: Addressing NIST’s Updated Password Security Guidance
NIST recently updated its decades-old password security guidance after years of scrutiny, skepticism, and flat-out ineffectiveness finally forced the agency to address practical security considerations and realistic threats while abandoning what many considered to be ineffective security theater.
BEWARE: Job scams are on the rise!
Job scams are on the rise and they’re coming straight to your phone via text, email, and even social media. Watch this interview with our CEO, Alex Nette, who explores the ways to identify a job scam and stay ahead of scammers if you’re on the hunt for a job!
NIST Releases New CUI Security Requirements
The long-awaited NIST 800-171 Revision 3 has been released. What’s new, and what are the implications for CMMC?
Approachable CMMC: Accelerate with our SSP Template
Are you part of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) or have Department of Defense (DoD) contracts? Then your deadline for implementing the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 requirements is fast approaching.
Deepfakes: Can You Trust What You See?
With hackers having easy access to AI, we can never be sure whether what we are seeing is true or not. We live in an age where information can be easily manipulated so it is critical to learn how to identify and counter these fakes.
The Art of (Cyber) War
In the modern age, nation states are expanding the battlefield with targeted cyber attacks on their adversaries. Are you at risk? And why?
Conti Ransomware Continues to Cause Concern
Conti ransomware was the biggest ransomware strain in 2021, bringing in more than $180 million in ransom payments. Despite announcing they were shutting down operations as of May 2022, Conti isn’t going away any time soon.
Whitepaper: The Intersection of Technical Debt and Cybersecurity
Understanding the impact of technical debt on your business operations and cybersecurity efforts can be a challenge. That’s why Hive Systems and BARR Advisory partnered on an in-depth whitepaper to explore how organizations can recognize, prevent, and manage technical debt.
A Beginner's Guide to 2FA and MFA
Everyone is telling you to enable 2FA or MFA to be secure in the digital age. But how do you do it? And what's the best method for you, or the most secure? Our experts break it down in an approachable way.
Insider Threat: The Real Risk to Your Organization
There’s a very real threat to the cybersecurity and safety of your organization: your employees.
10 Reasons to Run a Cybersecurity Drill
There’s no better way to understand your organizations strengths and weaknesses than by running a cybersecurity drill.
Let’s Go Phishing
How a simple phishing email will shut down your company if you’re not careful.
If Your Devices Aren’t Updated, You’re In For A Bad Time
“Patch Tuesday” is here again - do you know how to update ALL of your devices?
Stop Hackers Dead In Their Tracks With This Easy Trick
Even if you have the most secure password in the world, people can still get into your accounts. There’s a very simple solution to making sure that doesn’t happen.
How Am I Supposed to Remember All These Passwords?
The password system is broken. You need to keep your information safe, but you need an easier way to manage all of your complex and unique passwords. Enter the password manager.
Unplug Your WD MyBook Now
Your baby photos, wedding videos, and important documents are at risk of hackers deleting them from half way around the world!
Facebook’s Massive Data Breach Is Already Impacting You
You’ve probably heard about Facebook’s recent data breach, but here’s what you need to do about it.
Your New Smart Devices Could be Your New Problem
It’s time to set up your new smart devices the right way. Use these simple tips to make sure you’re staying safe.